Animation Showreel
Hello! this is my animation showreel.
The animations in this showreel are made in a variety of programs like Toonboom, Blender and Photoshop. I really hope you enjoy watching and if you think I would be useful to have on a production that your currently working on please don’t hesitate to contact me!
All the Character and Backgrounds in this showreel were designed by myself.
Voldemort but its Lemongrab
This is an animate I made that was inspired by audio that was made by @seankellysays
I made this animation using photoshop. I made mouth and eye charts for each face position and placed the shapes while scrubbing through the audio. This was made in a very short amount of time. I’m very happy with the result and am very surprised by the attention it has gotten!
Tony Cantwell’s Late Late Toyshow
I made a short animation using audio from Tony Cantwell's The Late Late Toy Show podcast from last year. Hope you enjoy.
I made this animation Toonboom Harmony. This was the first animation I made using this software. This animation was an opertunaty to learn how to use symbols for mouth shapes and making mouth charts for multiple characters for multiple angles. I made this relatively quickly, in about 5 days. After making this animation, I was comfortable enough with ToonBoom Harmony to confidently make more animations with the software.
Cornerstone - Fan Animation
This is a short blender animation project I create while feeling inspired by the song Cornerstone by Arctic Monkeys
I create this animation as an excuse to learning how to use blender and the grease pencil, had a lot o fun making this and am very happy with the result!